Hello hELLo, ppl! Finally, another entry from me after a couple of days of unenthusiastic blogging mood. I wont be typing much for this post because, first, it's already 3.45 in the morning, second, I am to wake up at 8am tomorrow (more like later today!) if I dont want to be late for my calculus class, and there's a quiz waiting for me tomorrow during calculus class as well. Ya so, I will have to log off soon!
Putting that aside, let's get to the highlight of this entry. =)
Dear me have been analysing problems and finding ways to curb them as well as possible as any lame-O person could possibility do with their lame-ness.
My research is based on Ping's 2nd surprise at Kopitiam, and a spontaneous trip to Putrajaya after the surprise a couple of days ago with Wei,Kit, Ping, Mel, Val and I.
You might want to note down certain things from here. Tips to help you IF you are put into these problems in the near future. =)
Just so you know, the problems are laid out in a chronological order.
Problem 1:
Ping's 2nd birthday surprise in Kopitiam, Taipan.
Solution :
Make a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee round around Taipan in driven car.
Reason :
To avoid being seen by Ping before she enters the shop.
Problem 2 :
Lighting candles on a birthday cake.
Solution :
Never ever ask the great sane one ( Ying! ) or dear orang malas no.1 ( Wei! ) to light the candles.
Reason :
To avoid eating a charcoaled-taste birthday cake.
Problem 3 :
Entertaining Wei's crazy idea.
Solution :
Have a spontaneous trip to Putrajaya at 12.30 in the middle of the night.
Reason :
To avoid long boring difficult calculus equations being thrown to my face by my trusted calculus text book.
Problem 4 :
6 gigantic arses squeezing into a Wira car.
Solution :
Opt to change from a Wira to an Unser.
Reason :
Problem 5 :
An unknown farter overpowering the air in the car.
Solution :
Wind the window down for unstench polluted air.
Reason :
To avoid suffocation.
Problem 6 :
Police man flagging us down
Explanation :
We were stopped by the policeman because apparently, we were on the road that the prime minister usually passes ( Precint 10) and we looked rather suspicious!
The best part is, before we were stopped, ping was like , " Eh, got police! Let's say hi! Everyone, say hi!! "
Solution :
- stop driven Unser at the side of the road.
- let policeman have a look at Wei's identification cards.
- tell policeman his flash lights ( cant remember what it is called! =P ) above his car that's acting like a lighthouse because it is turning 360 degrees is blinding us and giving us the mood like we're in a disco/club.
- ask for policeman's name and where he's from.
- ask if he would pose for a picture.
Reason :
Just for the heck of it.
Problem 7 :
Searching for toilet that Wei marked her territory at when she was there a week ago, but ending up at the vice prime minister's official residence.
Solution :
-Decide that small bladder still capable of holding in pee.
-Turn car around.
Reason :
To avoid facing the already-about-to-scream-at-us-to-stop policemEn (note the plural.).
Problem 8 :
Hunting for beautifully designed bridge 1.
Solution :
Play ring-a-ring O' Roses with Putrajaya roads.
Reason :
To find the right road to the bridge.
Problem 9 :
Bladder screaming to let pee out.
Solution :
Find a toilet prompto!
Reason :
To avoid flooding car with pee.
Problem 10 :
Hunting for beautifully designed bridge 2.
Solution :
Play ring-a-ring O' Roses with Putrajaya roads AGAIN.
Reason :
To find the right road to the bridge.
Extra :
We went above AND BELOW the bridge. How cool is that! =P We had a super chunted driver !hahahahahahaha!
Problem 11 :
Taking the undeveloped road back home at 2.30 in the morning.
Explanation :
It was pitch black! There werent any lights.(The only source of light came from our car.) There werent any cars.(ok, maybe I'm over-exaggerating. There were one or two cars that passed us from the opposite direction. Other than that, niel!zero!kosong!elek!)and the signboards were splashed with dripping black paint. If you were alone driving, you would have freaked. trust me. Thanks to the power of 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' we managed to keep our cool. =D
Solution :
- Do not look left.
- Do not look right.
- Do not look back.
- Do not look front.
- Just close your eyes and drive.
- Have at least one person who is calm enough or acting calm to keep everyone else calm.(Way to go, Val! Kit, the only guy was..er... sitting at the backseat, freaking out! hahahAHhahA! )
- Sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep'.
Reason :
Not to lose cool and crash into an unknown object.
Problem 12 :
Fat old RELA man throwing tantrums at us at one of the roadblock at some highway.
Explanation :
We were stopped by the policeman because fat old RELA man isnt satisfied with us ACCIDENTALLY,mind you, cutting queue.
Solution :
-Let mr policeman have a look at our identification cards, again. ( Mel forgot to bring hers! She was panicking at that point. hHAhah! FUNNY. The first incident, the police wanted Wei's ic only. This time, they wanted all 6. The blur mr policeman didnt notice one IC is missing anyway.)
Reason :
No reason available because it was all fat old RELA man's fault that we were stopped.
That's bout it. Hope you dear readers managed to pick up at least one or two useful tips from this entry. hehHEhehhEHhe.. Toodles~!

-Group Pic-
@ beutifully designed bridge no.1.
bring me along next time!!
why is it that everytime u all do the fun stuff, i am not around =(
awww.. when you get back we'll do more fun stuff k! =) wei wei wanna go johor! we go johor to eat nanas. hehe.. =P
eat until shweying fart & laosai
u will be farting and laosai-ing together with me, ok!
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