It is 2.55 in the morning. A couple of minutes ago,I was eating half of a waffle and washing it down with some rootbeer with Kit, Ping and Mel, after our "joyride" hunting for "chickens" at several hotspots particularly in SS15 and SS14. I'm not gonna go into details on how the hunt for "chickens" went because there arent much to say besides them "chickens" being a "shehim".
Anyway, that's not important. What I want to pen down here is more on how my emotions are stirring in me right now. When I came back just now, I plopped myself down on the sofa in my living room and this air of gratitude came flooding into me. I thought to myself, how sweet life is when you have people you love other than your own family around you.
Let me talk about the people I've met along my journey in this mortal world.
Humans. Mortals. Being. People. Their personality varies from one extreme to the other. I treasure each and everyone of them that walked into my life.
Some has given me hell, but without them, I wouldnt know how hell would have been like. Some has given me trouble, but without them, I wouldnt know how trouble would have been like. Some has given me headache with their antics, but without them, I wouldnt know what is antic all about. Some has even given me love, care, joy, trust and the list goes on. Without them, I wouldnt know the meaning of friends ( u know urself, machas and machis! hehe..)
As the years zoomed by, your life changes. Your mind changes.Basically, everything will gradually change in the matter of time.
My thinking has changed tremendously on certain issues, mainly on people. I've ate lots of salt to be able to say this. and I have no doubt, I have to eat more in time to come.
Here's what I've concluded :
Not every one you trust, can be trusted.
I've met people whom bad-mouthed about you in a different language literally in front of your face thinking you do not understand what the fuck is being said. What more at the back of you? They basically violate your trust as a friend.
To that person if you're reading this, I have eyes and ears at every corner. A piece of advice, never ever underestimate me. =) I would have mentioned your name here but it is not my nature to do so because I'm not you. I'll let those who are still in the dark of your fucked up personality to see for themselves what kind of person you are. =) oh and hey, stop lying, pls. Your bragging must stop too.
Thinking that you know, but actually you dont.
Have you ever thought you know everything about a person but as time passes, you realised that you actually know nuts? I have. It was really a big blow when I came face to face with reality. It gets me thinking whether is it actually worth going through shit for these people. Is it worth even giving two fucks for these people when they dont?
I see you, I know you no more. There arent any more warm and comfortable aura coming from you. I have tried many atimes to undo that, but to no avail. The person in me whom always wanted things as how it was has changed to a person who doesnt give two fucks you.
Friends come and go.
It takes two to clap. You dont clap with one hand, do you? You clap with both. You cannot expect just one side to constantly put effort in a friendship. A friendship needs both side for it to work it's magic. I've seen a few whom just totally lose contact. I've seen a few whom dont even make the effort. Can you imagine? Just two years since we left school, and they dont give two fucks to keep in touch. They just dont give a shit. So I ask you, do they worth your breath to call them friends?
Dont you want to know how am I doing as how I want to know how you are doing? Dont you want to share the joy in my life anymore as how I want to share yours? Let's not talk bout sorrows because I'm absolutely 100% clear about them after what happened. My sorrows will be well kept in a box with the key hidden, nobody can find it except me. Dear readers, the real test to a friendship is went you're going through shit. Dont be surprise, the person you thought would be the first to be there is the first person to run away and come crawling back when you're right back up.
Is it so easy to leave the years of friendship behind for the hyenas to feast? (Yes, agent cheow. You've written about this before. And I can totally relate to what you wrote.)
After a fall out, does your bond regain back it's strength, in fact, it's stronger than before and you live happily ever after? Or does your bond shattered into small tiny broken pieces, and you are known merely a nodding acquaintance and you just cant be bothered no more?
The scarcity of FRIENDS.
Slap me for saying this, but it is true. It does depend on individual's definition of friends though. Do you call a person who you know just by his or her name a friend? Do you call the guy who helped you with the door a friend? Do you call that girl you barely spoke 10 words to for 18 years of knowing her your friend? Do you call that arse whom gives you hell a friend? Do you call those who (again.) dont give two fucks bout you whether you're still breathing or not, a friend?
Or do you call those who stand by you, those who laugh with you, those who cry with you, those who take you seriously, those who tell you off right at your face instead of bitching at the back of you, those who pull you back to reality when you go off course, those who bother to take time calling you, asking you how you're doing, those who understand you, those who care, those who know exactly what to do and say at the right time, those who comfort you, those who never hurt you intentionally, those who want to know you more, those who is willing to give his/her life for you, a friend (putting your boyfriend/girlfriend aside laaa...)? I'm not saying I'm a perfect friend. I'm far than perfect. But one of my life principle that I've been holding on to is treating others as how I would like to be treated. Hence, I try.
But then again, how many people have you came across who does that? There are a few in my life, and I thank God for them for they play a vital role in my life other than my family, and these people will I never forget. There WERE a few too and I still thank God for them because the years with him/her/them were memorable ones. It is now remained tightly in my treasure chest that will I never allow anyone or anything to sweep those memories away.
*cheers to friendship*

-Am I alone, or are you beside me?-
Pic taken @ my great-grandma's farm, Malacca.
true friends would willingly walk right at the back - pinkyping's quote.
to ping,
i've spent 22 years and 4 months living in this topsy turvy world riddled with emotions (most of the times unnecessary) in terms of friendships. the sucky feelings are just temporary and it's during these times that you would actually sit down and think who matters and who doesn't. what sucks is that even really close friends can be asses but what can we do?
If those people don't appreciate you. they are not worth your time at all. there are many other people who are more deserving of your friendship.
I've met some kick-ass people. Also some of the worst idiots to grace the world. I enjoyed everyone of it. If the world had no assholes, then we'd just be normal people. :)
yoyoyo agent cheow! nicely said, mann.. =)
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