Guess who's back?
yEP you got that right!!
It is
Actually I have been blogging pretty frequent. Just that after every post, somehow I will think it is inappropriate to post it up. Then it will end up in my draft box. As most of you would have observed, majority of my posts from this blog and my previous were inflicted by my own emotions. and yes, mainly emo emo ones. That's because when I'm in the mood of jumping at one's throat, when my heart's been ripped and scarred, when my spirit is so low, I just want to shout out here. Let whoever that person whom caused that emo me, knows that I'm hurt. I'm pissed. I'm ripped and scarred inside out because of you(not pointing out to anyone in particular).
Of course let's not forget the happy posts. =) There will be many more to come! Because,I've been a happy, cheerful, carefree(bull shit), kid! I've been trying to post up a post on a trip that I just had a couple of weeks ago to Malacca. But everytime I click 'Publish', f***ed up streamyx will just disconnect.. there goes my post into the drain. grrrrr... Ya, I'll probably try to post it up tmr or something when I'm in the mood. =P
As for now, what's new with me? nothing much. Classes started two weeks ago. Since then, nothing interesting has been going on in my life besides going around and getting lost in KL with Delle lasts Friday! 'twas hilarious!! Will post it up later when I have the time. =P
Back to the boring tone.I'm currently in my foundation 3rd semester now for those who might be interested. hehe.. In July, I'll be starting with my degree. 4 years then I'm done! Sounds cool, but it aint cool. Why? because life as a student is gonna be tougher! Dammnit, why the hell did I choose engineering. To make things even crappier, why the hell did I choose Electrical & Electronic?! Way to go, ying! Wayyyyyy to gooooooo!!
Ok I got to admit. I've learnt a lot since my first step into my uni life. You wouldnt want me to elaborate on the subjects I learnt, trust me. It'll bore you to death.
Other than that la.. I've learnt how to differentiate the good and bad. the right and wrong. the fresh and rotten. get what I mean? I've learnt skills that will help me survive the dog eat dog world in the future. The core rule : do not judge a book by it's cover. One might look nice on the outside, but the inside.. *spits* full of shit! They exhaust their ties with you till they find a better one, then off to the bin you go. FUCK YOU LA. You think I'm dumb, I dont notice what you are doing? Two can play that game! Watch me.
Chill, ying! No point being all heated up because of those worthless rubbish. =D
Anyway... I'll try to update more from time to time la k. In the mean time, watch out for the Malacca post! It'll be dated as 27th of April. Don't ask why. =) Till then, toodles~!

-White Among The Green-
Feeling alone and lost in this world..
Feeling alone and lost in this world..
yay you updated! =D
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! because of your sms that u sent! hahahahaha
lol... i shall send you more sms next time to remind you to update =p
yeah WHY E&E?! should have done mechanical right? only cool people do mechanical. har har :)
and yes ai-lynn, we should bombard her inbox with smses for updates la. this babi damn lazy right?
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