-Bday boy and I!-
Blessed bday Jiat!!! =)___________________________________________________________________
3 weeks.
21 days.
One day at a time.
There were days that crawled by so slowly,
There were days that just zoomed by you could hardly see it's shadow.
There were the fun days when I wish it never ended,
There were the boring days where I was in dreamworld the entire day.
My day became night,
My night became day.
I became a nocturnal creature.
All this will come to an end three days from now.
Back to school (uni laaaa)!
Once upon a time, in a land of crazy homosapiens.

Jo said to the other 7 crazy homosapiens : Eh! I'm hungry. My stomach's craving for good food..Let's do a food hunt!
So, on one beautiful Saturday morning, 8 crazy homosapiens jumped into an Unser.
They were farting,burping,snoring,picking noses, listening to music that the pityful driver do not understand a single word at all blaring in here ear drums.
Lo and behold, they ended up in....

Hence, Ying's Ama's House @ Pokok Mangga was our first pit stop!

Upon reaching, as swift as a person who needs to crap in the toilet before it's too late, Mel ran to the stall, grabbed a bowl of Tengkerah Noodles and gulpped in all down at one go!

Ping was staring at Mel while feasting her own bowl of noodles.
Delle : The nearest toilet from here is at Jonker Street! This time I am sure although my sense of direction is as bad as a spoilt compas. *pats own head proudly*
Val : Er...
So they walked... and walked... and walked...
And swam... and swam...
After a never-ending walk and swim, they finally reached Jonker's toilet.
-Pee Pee Time-
The 20 ¢ toilet.
Can you see the holes in the wall? That's where you are suppose to pee at. After many years of serving as a toilet, the wall is dissolved by urine peed on it. New toilet system. (i'm bull-shitting by the way.)

Jo : eh.. you know, I'm still hungry. Since we are already having a BALL of our time walking and swimming, let's eat some BALLs!
And so, they ended up in a corner shop selling chicken rice balls.

Balls anyone?-Chicken Rice Ball.
Ying : Ok ppl! For those who have never eaten a ball in her entire life, this is how you eat it. Everyone, follow me!
Wei : aiyer.. why the sudden stinking smell? oh oops. I forgot I just farted, sorry. *sweeps air*(look at the pic)

Val : er.. did you just gobble MY piece of chicken from MY plate? *grrrr*

-Contented Smile-
Val's full of BALLS! hahahahah!

Their sole objective going to Malacca is actually to eat till their heart content. But since they were over-stuffed, they had to walk the food down before stuffing more into their tummies.
They then walked to Stadhuys.
On the way...
Wei : Woah! check this out! Malaccans sure do have big feet..!
Jo : that's mine la, goblok.! you saying i have big feet la now!
Wei : oooOoOoooooo...
Yes, they were looked strangely at like that uncle for the entire day where ever they went. haha! Put all of them together (not to forget Yin, Lynn, Eric and Kit back home!) that's what you get.
Several minutes later, thanks to the humid weather, they decided to stop at this replica of a windmill thinking it was a hugeeeeeeeeeeee fan that could cool them down.. Yes, they were a bunch of jakuns from Subang except the one from Sunway.

The rest : Dunno laa.. probably it is not plugged into the socket.
Ying : *smiles to ownself* hahahaha! what a donk donks!
Wei : I see StadhuyS! Last to reach across the road is a pig!
Mel : Let's hop acrosS! *hops*hops*
May, Wei, Jo, Ping, Mel, Val : Woah.. I didnt know Malacca have these much of cars.. I thought they move around in bull carts!
Delle : Nyek! Nyek! Nyek! I win! I win! I reached first!
Wei : Pasrah.. Pasrah..
May : Memang pasrah...
Mel : *spells* P-A-S-R-A-H
Ying : ok ok kids.. Dont cry. we take picture ok.! smile! smile!
May : but.. but.. Delle said I pig wor...
Ping : I have the longest tongue, so she cant call me a pig! Pig's tongue aint long..
Wei & Jo : Picture! Picture! Take my picture! *poses*
Delle : I win. I win. I win. You all are pigs. I win. I win.
-A Day in Malacca-
I like this picture although it is spoilt because of the wrong angle.
@ Stadhuys, Malacca.


What went through their heads while resting their arses on the steps without realising they were blocking the entrance to the museum above?
Mel : hey.. wait a minutes.. The big fan we stood in front of just now.. wasnt a fan! it's.. it's.. watsatnamee..hmm... erm..err.. *scratches chin*
May : *sobs* I'm a pig.. *sobs*
Ping : lalalala.. I have the longest tongue. I have the longest tongueeeeeeeeeeee! Shwe! Shwe ! wanna see whose tongue is the longest? You know, those with a long tongue is a good kisser. Wanna try?
Ying : er..................................someone pls save me..................
Val : Hot dude alert! Hot dude alert! *goes all gaga*
Wei : ooo.. I see that hot dude you're saying , val! gotta act cute now. *acts cute*
Jo : *thinks* First, noodles. Second, chicken rice ball. Third,... hm.. what should we eat next?
Delle : *continues singing We Are The Champion by Queens* I am the champion of the world.. No time for losers who crossed the road last.. I am the champion. I am the championnnnnnnn!
Next stop, Saint Paul's Hill.

As you can see, the wind was blowing quite hard. It's just too bad they managed to not fly with the wind! or else this world would have been a better place by now. drats!

Delle : jump down and you will never be tired again.

Little baby : Hey mr! Why are your legs so hairy? *attempts to pull his bulu kaki*

Here lies St Francis Light..

Delle : Losers are pigs. You lost. I won. *rolls eyes till eyeballs falls to ground*

Ying : then? June? July? March? August? December? or... Pig ar? ehehehe.
*sees Delle's eyeballs on the ground, decides not to roll her eyes*

British soldiers whom fought and died during the Naning War..

Ping : I'm so happyyyyyyyyyy *flings both hands*
Mel : Dudeeeeeeeeeeee!! Armpit stench alert! Armpit stench alert *covers nose*
The rest : *holds breath and smiles for the cam*
May's tummy was rumbling the whole way. At that point of time, she couldnt take it anymore, she tried to make a dash to the toilet before it was too late.Before she could look for a toilet.. *splat* eww..
May: See.. My shit round round wan..
Delle : haih.. May.. Do you not know how to read the sign?.. Shitting here is forbidden!

Jo & Wei : Wanna see orang gila? Look up.

Long long time ago, bull cart was once a mean of transportation for the villagers. These group of crazy homosapiens were on a look out for one since they have never seen one in their life. Much to their dissappointment, they found a cart...but without the bull!

-Forty Winks-
Trishaw man taking a nap.
This horse imitated Ping's pose which I personally think did a good job.

Signboards are more dependable compare to directions from certain 'source'...
Ok, so they visited almost all of the historical spots. Back to Jonker Street they went.

This statue was trying it's utter best to look like them.

Jo & Wei somehow fell in love with it. Goodness knows what they saw in it.
Jo's face litted up instantly when we entered a cendol shop.

-Durian Cendol-
Thirst quencher

While waiting for the rest to berjakun around Jonker, Val and Ying plopped$ their heavy arses down while waiting for them jakuns. With nothing better to do, they resorted to cam-whoring.
Oh wait! I forgot to mention a special character that made the trip more exhilarating than it already was!

I introduce to you, Uncle William! This old man was trying to match-make his son with the rest. He was like, " You kahwin with my son, I'll give you extra souvenirs!"
He makes a living out of making keychains and ornaments out of wires.
That's about it. I'm running out of lame juice to crap some more. =P Just so you know, the story line was all made up. They did go to Malacca.. They went to the places that were said. They met that Uncle William whom tried to match-make his son. The other nonsense bit was made up just for being lame. as usual. =) Hope you dear readers manage to catch the lame-ness disease from this. ehehhe..

Let me present to you,
Delle : I'm the winner! The rest are pigs!
Jo : I'm not hungry anymore.. *smiles*
May : Delle's a pig for calling me a pig!

Mel : Like I said, this is how you eat a chicken!

Ping : *gasps* Did you just take a picture of me kissing my chicken? eh chicken, I'm a good kisser rite? That's cus I have the longest tongue! =P
Val : I'm officialy one of them goons now...

Wei : Goblok eats bread. ChOcOlaTe BrEaDdDDdddd.

Me, myself and I : the only sane one. =)
my gooodnesss... seriously nothing to say man! hahaha but entertaining la at least. i'm surprised you didn't put up pics of the horse! heh. and what kind of dialogue you give me man..lol.
so funnyyy LOL!
i wish i was there with you all!
=P i ran out of ideas half way! dunno what else to write. heheeehe..
pics of the horse? got what! just one picture only la.. the one that i said did a good job imitating ping's pose
hhehehehe! our next trip during ur break! :D
dammmmmm lame
the only sane one? LOL
the only lame one got LA!
eh my tongue look better than the horsee! hahahhahah
What to do... a group of lame friends deserve a lame entry in my post.
the only lame one? excuseeeeeee me. that's you. :D
the horse's tongue is way much longer and thicker than urs! ;)
LOL. that's hilarious!!!
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