We chose the faint chill morning, friend and friend.Pacing the twilight out beneath an oak,soul calling soul to judgement; and we spoke strange things and deep as any poet penned. Such truth as never truth again can mend.Whatever arts we win, what gods invoke;it was not wrath, it made nor strife nor smoke: be what it may, it had a solemn end.
On my own, but mostly the savannah where the tumbleweeds fade away and die. Before the glassy sun burns a summer of crystals, the glistering water of the high seas of which was so far a place as of where vultures roam. I looked around but you weren't anywhere...
On my own, but mostly the savannah where the tumbleweeds fade away and die. Before the glassy sun burns a summer of crystals, the glistering water of the high seas of which was so far a place as of where vultures roam. I looked around but you weren't anywhere...
Now the sea is wild with despair and deep blue like a prairie of blue flowers. Your usually calm and heavenly eyes full of tears of anger, bitterly falling one after one into a river till the river of life turned red in blood.Then you disappeared without saying good-bye.Not a word from you. You became like desolation in its grave in my life. Once, the skies were a realm of stars, the sun shone brightly in the skies, and you were there to share the calmness. But now I stand here in midst of the tall grass.Only the savannah remains.

-In Midst Of The Tall Grass-
@ The peak of Gunung Angsi, Negeri Sembilan.
emo. i feel your pain. shoe still have me! =)
who is this 'you' ?
it is nice to know i have you but who are you?
that 'you' in this post is someone I know.. ahaha.
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