Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Hearty Thank You Said.

A day. It came, it went. Another day. It came, it went.
The cycle goes on and on, waiting for no one. As the day comes and goes, shit happens, also it resolves if it is time for it to be resolved; and you see who is real and who is not. I'm guessing, God is testing my faith, strength and patience. No doubt I'm in the state of agitation, but I believe, it will be a mark of a fresh beginning once this, as what my fellow pokok-manggian said, transition period comes to an end.

I just want to express my gratitude to those whom walked alongside me throughout this rough period of time for the past few weeks. You know who you are.
Thank you for the words of encouragement whenever I'm at the midst of giving up.
Thank you for pulling me up whenever I'm down.
Thank you for making me laugh whenever I'm about to tear.
Thank you for the comfort whenever I'm faced with discomfort.
Thank you for lending me a ear when I needed to spill my heart out.
Thank you for the prayers and support when I was tormented by that evil whispers and shadows.
Thank you for understanding, although I myself did not understand at times.
Thank you for believing although some of my family members and the few whom I thought I trust, did not.
Thank you for your concern.
Most importantly, thank you for stepping into my life.

God bless you!

-Walk Alongside Me-
Foosball Table @ Breakers, Hartamas.


Anonymous said...

welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome =)

Ellie said...

Hey girl :) A storm will eventually calm down. I know we're not very close...but i'm still here for you to rant to if you need someone! Psalm 23. A good source of calm, strong words that i find comforting. May you find what you need in Him :) *hug*

Shwe Ying The Great said...


hey there my dear cousin of mine. =) not very close? haha.. we'll have to work on tat. =)

thanks, girl.. I appreciate all that u've done. =) Peace be with you. God bless.
see you this sunday!


Anonymous said...

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward." - Vernon Law

God has bigger plans for you. Just wait and see. =)