The cute little girl who was once naive and innocent finally moved into the age of being a sweet lass with a cool attitude. =)
I will never ever forget this babe who was with me throughout the thick and thin especially during our prefect days.
I will always remember the day I met her back in form 1. ahaha..
I will always remember the day she decided to step into my world of being a prefect. hohoh! little did she know that she was stucked with me for 2 years!
I will always remember our ungodly hour morning walk around the school trying to find the perfect spot to see the sunrise when we should be in bed like every other students!
I will always remember our walkway to 'Pulau Ketam',how we fought to get each other off the walkway claiming it's hers and only hers and got glared by other students because of how idiotic we looked.
I will always remember the times when it was me and her against the other directors.
I will always remember the tower that we built out of mashed up newspaper and starch for installation that ended up a failure.
I will always remember the tower that we built out of mashed up newspaper and starch for installation that ended up a failure.
I will always remember the nights in the tent in Rebutia. hehe..
I will always remember no matter how crazy my idea was, she never say no unless it was impossible to carry out.
I will always remember how patient she was with me, listening to my complains about this and that; and telling me everything will work out fine.
I will always remember how she reasoned things out with her logical head of hers. hehe.. =P
I will always remember how tigress looking she looked when yin,jo,ping and I accidentally woke her up with our noises on the 2nd night in Pangkor.( I almost had a heart attack that nite! )
These are just the few of the many memories that have been engraved permanently in my heart.As I am typing this, tears are staining my cheeks. She's one of the few whom made an impact in my life; and she's leaving soon... =(
Lately, I've been seeing things in a new perspective. With that, I realised that I've been self-absorbed towards the people and the surroundings around me. Blinded by my self-absorption, I did not see the effort put by others.For example, the beautiful scrapbook that I recieved for valentines day, the short yet sweet messages sent by many, the plain yet meaningful handmade bookmarks... These are just a few of many other examples. I put too much effort into pleasing others that I did not realise that by doing so, I'm neglecting those who actually cares for me. I regretted and I wish there's something I could do to tell these people how thankful I am.
ok i am ranting and getting all emo here and you probably dont get what I am saying.
I just want you to know that, I am sincerely grateful to have you stepped into my life. I am sorry for not being the great of friends and never really did show how much I appreciate our friendship.I am not really that good in expressing myself as the others la... hehe..
If there's a button to press to turn back time, I would be the first to reach for that button. All in all, I just want to thank you for everything. =) Blessed 19th birthday, girl! May the Lord shower you with abundance of blessings. May He be with you as you move into a new age. God bless you.
Love you lots, girl!
Delle hits 19 today!!! blessed bday babe! rock on~!

-Cool Is The Word-
A composed Delle despite the hectic pace of surroundings.
One of our yam cha sessions @ Darussalam, Subang.
the last one is SO FUNNY!
the *glare*
u shud have seen her! scary scary!
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